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Ayurveda Practitioner Program Module Description:
AAA201 Vikruti Vignyan & Nidan Panchak
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Ayurveda Vikruti vignyana introduces students to below topics but not limited to:
Understanding Samprapti in Ayurvedic view
Study of Nadana Panchaka
Detailed study of reaction between Dhatus with dosha
Discussion on Srotodushti and Dhatu vikruti
Classification of Vyadhi per Ayurveda
Chief causes of Rogotpatti
AAA 202 Dravyaguna Shastra II & Bhaishajya Kalpana
Subject Description:
Dravayaguna vigyana & Bhaishajya kalpana introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Comprehensive knowledge of principles of Dravyaguna such as Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava, Karma.
Thorough understanding of single herbs used in specific samprapti.
The principles that govern Bhaishajya kalpana such as Mana (weights and measures), Mantra Sevana Kala, Prayoga marga and Anupana
Commonly used multiple-herb formulations
AAA 203 Panchakarma II and Marma Vigyana
Subject Description:
Advance study of Panchakarma and Marma therapy introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Study of Panchakarma – Vaman, Virechana, Basti karma, Nasya, Raktamokshana
Details of Purvakarma of Panchakarma
Describing Paschatakarma of Panchakarma procedure
Types of Marma
AAA 204 Yoga Shastra II, Pranayama, Meditation and Rasayana, Vajikarna
Subject Description:
Fundamental of yogashastra introduces students to below topic but not limited to:
Use of Yoga postures in management of Dosha balance.
Detail study of all limbs of Yoga with reference to enhancing individuals health
Different types of Dhyana(meditations) Practices.
Different applications of Pranayama
The Rasayana (rejuvenation) concepts of Ayurveda
Introduction to Vajikarna Concept and learning of various Rasayana & Vajikarna herbs and formula
AAA205 Ayurveda Suksma Chikitsa (Subtle Therapies), and Ayurveda Research Methodology
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Ayurveda sukshma chikitsa (subtle therapies) introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Discussing Five types of sensory therapies and their Ayurvedic applications such as Aromatic therapy, Taste therapy, Touch therapy, Sound therapy, Visual therapy
Intro to Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)
Intro to Vastu (Vedic Architecture)
Intro to Ayurvedic Research methodology
AAA 206 Kayacikitsā I (Wellness solutions) – Pranavaha, Annavah, Udakavaha strotas Wellness Solutions
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Wellness solutions for Pranavah, Annavaha, Udakavah strotas wellness solutions introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Ayurvedic etiology and samprapti of Pranavaha, Annavaha , Udakavaha imbalances
Management of Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj Pranavah,Annavaha, Udakavaha vitiation
Discussion on Aama and Nirama conditions and various imbalances such as Aruchi, Adhaman, Swasa, Kasa, Hikka, Grahani, Trushna, Shotha.
AAA 207 Kayacikitsā II – Rasavah & Raktavaha, Purishavaha Wellness Solutions
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Ayurvedic protocol of Rasavah & Raktavaha srotas wellness solutions introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Ayurvedic etiology and samprapti of Rasavah, Raktavaha, Purishavaha srotas imbalances
Management of Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Purishvaha vitiation
Discussion on Agni states in respective imbalances such as Jwara, Pandu, Raktapitta, Atisara, Arsha
AAA 208 Kayacikitsā III – Mamsavaha & Medovaha, Mutravaha Wellness Solutions
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Ayurvedic Protocol for Mamsavaha, Medovaha, Mutravaha wellness solutions introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Ayurvedic etiology and samprapti of Mamsavaha, Medovaha srotas imbalances
Ayurvedic protocol for Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj Mamsavaha, Medovaha, Mutravaha srotas vitiation
Discussion on various srotas respective imbalances such as Gamdamala, Mamsagatvat, Sthaulya, Ashmari
AAA 209 Kayacikitsā IV – Asthivaha Majjavaha, Swedavaha Srotas Wellness Solutions
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Ayurvedic Protocol for Asthivaha, Majjavaha, Swedavaha srotas wellness solutions introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Ayurvedic etiology and Saṃprapti of Asthivaha, Majjavaha, Swedavaha srotas imbalances
Management of Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj Asthivaha, Majjavaha, Swedavaha vitiation
Discussion on various respective srotas imbalances such as Asthigatavata, Sandhigatavata, Vatavyadhi, Kushta
AAA 210 Kayacikitsā V – Shukravaha & Artavavaha Strotas Wellness Solutions & Prasutitantra
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Shukravaha srotas wellness solutions introduces students to below topics but not limited to:
Ayurvedic etiology and samprapti of Shukraavaha, Artavavaha srotas imbalances
Management of Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj Shukravaha, Aartavavaha vitiation
Prenatal, postnatal therapies such as Diet and life style measures for both new born and mother, Food and herbs which promote lactation
AAA 211 Kayacikitsā VI – Balaroga, Jara Vyadhi and Wellness Solutions & Kaumarbhrutya
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Balaroga, Jaravyadhi and Rasayana chikitsa wellness solution introduce students to below topics but not limited to:
Ayurvedic etiology and samprapti of Bala and Jara Roga
Ayurvedic view of child’s health, Diet and lifestyle appropriate for different age groups, herbs suitable to promote health
Wellness solutions for mild vikruti in different age groups
AAA 212 Kayacikitsā VII – Urdhvajatrugata and Manovaha Strotas Wellness Solutions
Subject Description:
Fundamental of Ayurveda Urdhvajatrugata and Manovaha wellness solution introduces students to below topics but not limited to:
Knowledge and imbalanced dosha, sub-dosha, updhatu of this region
Samprapti and Nidana panchak of various imbalances of this region such as Karnaroga, Netraroga, Adhimantha,Nasaroga, Unmada, Akshepa
Utility of Sattva Avajaya Cikitsa: methods to improve the health and stable functions of the mind by enhancing Sattva Guna.
AAA 213 Internship
Subject description:
Ayurveda Internship and case experiential education includes one on one Ayurveda consultations performed by Vaidya faculty. Students will have an opportunity to observe and understand:
Applying assessment protocol to identify Samprapti.
Creating a healing plan for bringing dosha balance and achieving wellness.
Interaction skills with client for guiding the healing recommendations.
AAA214 – Gurukula Internship at Kerala INDIA: Three Weeks (Extra Fee Applies)
The Gurukula program is designed to offer an additional reinforcing opportunity to strengthen the knowledge and build experience for gaining the confidence in Ayurveda healing practices. It focuses on Ayurvedic assessment, creating Ayurvedic healing plans, botanical identification and application of Ayurvedic herbs. It also gives the students an opportunity for implementation of Panchakarma and Beauty therapies. The program offers hands-on experience in preparing of various Ayurvedic multi herbal formulations, Jyotish and Vastu counseling. This program gives an unique in-depth and practical hands-on experience in managing multitude of cases spawning across diverse disorders and age groups.
AP Program Hours
Program Structure:
AP is designed as a perfect blend Hybrid program to provide optimal flexibility and effectiveness to our students with options for on-campus, virtual and off campus on-line classroom sessions.
Classes Conducted at Following Frequency:
On-Campus Classroom Sessions:
Monthly - One Weekend / Month (1st Weekend/Month)
Off-Campus Online Live-Virtual Classroom:
Weekly (Tuesday Evenings 6 pm - 8 pm CT)
On/Off-Campus Webinars/Workshops:
Monthly - (Mostly Sundays)
AP Start Date: Sept 21, 2024
The program hours include faculty teaching, coaching, counseling, supervised clinical training, exams, clinical practice, and applied subject teaching (labs). The time spent on independent review study, homework, reading assignments, and vocabulary memorization is NOT included in contact hours.
Note: For US Internship, the lodging, boarding and campus administration fee is not included in Tuition.