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  The Ayurveda Wellness Counselor Module Description:





AAA 101  Padarthvigyan and Ayurveda Itihaas & Yoga Darshana

Subject Description:

The course teaches introduction to the science of Ayurveda, the core principles and the ancient history and cosmology. The topics will include but not limited to:

  • Ayurveda Definition, Purpose

  • Founding Philosophies- Shad Darshana

  • Building Blocks of Ayurveda (Panchamahabhuta Theory)

  • Ayurvedic history, literary review and intro to reference text book of Ayurveda

  • Ayurvedic view of Cosmology

  • Sankhya, Yoga Darshana



AAA 102   Sharir Vigyana I

Subject Description:

Sharir Vigyana I introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Dhosha Theory

  • Triguna Theory

  • Evaluation of Constitution – Understanding Ayurvedic body types

  • Anatomical View of Ayurveda

  • How to determine Dosha constitution body type



AAA 103   Sharir Vigyana II

Subject Description:

Sharir Vigyan II introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Knowledge of Saptadhatu (Ayurvedic Tissues)

  • Concept of Bodily Wastes and their Functions

  • Concepts of Ojas- Essence of life

  • Malas and Strotamsi



AAA 104  Manas Shastra & Sookshma Sharir

Subject Description:

Fundamentals of Manas Shastra and Sookshma introduces students to below topic but not limited to:

  • Central and outer pathways and energetic anatomy (chakras, koshas and nadis)

  • Mind in Ayurvedic Perspective

  • The Soul (Atman)

  • The nature and functions of mind and how it functions and operates

  • Types of Mind - Antarmana, Bahyamana

  • Different mental processes - Dhi, Dhruti, Smruti

  • Relation of mind and body

  • Mental constitutions- Satvic, Rajasic, Tamasic



AAA 105   Ayurveda Aharavigyana

Subject Description: 

Fundamental of Ayurvedic Nutrition & Food science introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Ayurvedic Parameters of food evaluation – Rasa, Veerya, Vipaka etc.

  • Different  tastes and their effect on body and mind

  • Diet Recommendation for Constitution Type

  • Food compatibilities and incompatibilities

  • Food Etiquette in Ayurveda – When, where, what and how to eat



AAA 106   Dravyaguna Shastra I

Subject Description:

Ayurvedic Herbal science introduces students to below topics but not limited to: 

  • Understanding Herbal Energies

  • Ayurvedic methods of evaluating herbs and spices

  • Method of herbal formulation preparation

  • Qualities, actions, effects, application, dosage of selected spices

  • Different methods of herb administration

  • How to enhance the healing properties of herbs



AAA 107   Yogashastra

Subject Description:

Fundamentals of Yoga principles introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Detail understanding of Eight Limbs of Yoga

  • Different Types of Yoga

  • Health Benefits of Yoga

  • Yoga Postures (Asana) for Body types

  • Pranayama – Yogic Breathing Exercises

  • Yogic Cleansing Practices

  • Meditation Types and Practices



AAA 108   Swastha Vritta

Subject Description:  

An Ayurvedic principle of healthy living introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Ayurvedic recommendations for creating healthy lifestyles

  • Ayurvedic daily routine for balancing health

  • Ayurvedic seasonal routines, self-care

  • Therapies such as Gandusha (oil pulling), Tongue Scraping, Danta Dhavan, Daily Nasya

  • Ancient Ethical Conducts

  • Ayurvedic Behavioral Regimen



AAA 109   Nidan Panchak & Nadi Vigyana

Subject Description:

Nidan Panchak and Nadi vigyana introduce students to below topics but not limited to:

  • How to analyze the various systems and structure of the body

  • Ayurvedic Assessment Methodologies

  • Descriptive Methods of  Darshan, Sparshan and Prashna   

  • Analysis of Nadi (pulse), tongue and Mala

  • Understanding Ayurvedic view of Samprapti

  • Classroom case demonstrations and review



AAA 110   Ayurveda Rasayana Shastra & Panchakarma I

Subject Description:

Ayurveda Detoxification and Rasayana Shastra introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Approach to the Ayurvedic detoxification strategies and modalities

  • Different types of Shamana

  • Different types of Shodana  methods

  • Methods of Panchakarma therapies

  • Home mini detox methods

  • Methods of rejuvenation in Ayurveda

  • Description of Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac therapies)

  • Hands on introduction to Kati Basti, Netra Basti, Åširodhara, Shiroabhyanga



AAA 111  Ayurvedic Chikittsa - Healing & Wellness Solutions

Subject Description:

Fundamental of Ayurvedic healing wellness solution introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Discussing different imbalances to understand Samprapti

  • Mopping of various stages of imbalances to arrive at an Ayurvedic protocol

  • Ayurvedic Health Management Process

  • Introduction to the use of spices for bringing sound health

  • Ayurvedic healing methods including simple herbs, dietary and lifestyle changes to restore/maintain equilibrium     

  • Lifestyle recommendations for day-to-day health maintenance



AAA 112   Ayurvedic Practice and Management

Subject Description:

Ayurvedic practice management introduces students to below topics but not limited to:

  • Legal, Ethical Aspects of Ayurvedic practice

  • Professional Ethics and Communication

  • Ancient Ethical Ayurveda Practice

  • HIPAA Compliance

  • How to build and sustain Ayurveda practice

  • Client Management Techniques

  • Ayurveda as a developing profession and the need for accreditation

  • Working within Scopes of Practice



AAA 113,114   Internship

Subject Description:

Students are trained in Ayurvedic practice, methods and case management.

Students will participate in assessment of a client including observation, supervised case management, record keeping, and case review.    

Students learn the application of:

  • Ayurvedic Health Management Process

  • Ayurvedic Assessment Methodologies

  • Collaborative Review and Follow-up

  • Client Management Techniques


AWC Program Hours 


Program Structure:

AWC is designed as a Hybrid program providing optimal flexibility and effectiveness to our students with options for on-campus, virtual and off campus on-line classroom sessions.


Classes Conducted at Following Frequency:

  • On-Campus Classroom Sessions:

       Monthly - One Weekend  (3rd Weekend / Month)


  • Off-Campus Online Live-Virtual Classroom: 

       Weekly (Wednesday Evenings 6 pm - 8 pm CT)​


  • On/Off-Campus Webinars/Workshops: 

       Monthly (Mostly Sundays)


In addition to the above classroom hours, Internship dedicated hours throughout year.   Practical hands-on coaching throughout the year and Clinical Training Immersion at the end of the program


AWC Start Date:  Sept 7, 2024

​Program hours include faculty teaching, coaching, counseling, supervised clinical training, exams, clinical practice, applied subject teaching (labs).  The time spent on independent review study, homework, reading assignments, vocabulary memorization is NOT included in contact hours.

Ananda Ayurveda Academy -AWC Program Hours 2023.JPG
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